Revisit these items:
To what extent did I:
____ Demonstrate that this is an opportunity for me to serve
____ Learn about, and align with, the mission, vision, and strategy
____ Serve the organization and community
____ Make those I interacted with more energized, passionate, knowledgeable, and effective
Be As Intention As Possible With the Remaining Time
Yes, this is an ending. Do the important things, and say what needs to be said. Leave everyone smiling about your contribution and presence.
Pass Along the Wisdom
There will be people filling in behind you. Do whatever you can to help them be better, and more quickly, than you were.
A series that addresses critical challenges of Board Membership:
Part 1, Joining & the Honeymoon Period
Part 2, After the Honeymoon
Part 3, Assuming Committee Leadership
Part 4, Winding Down, Signing Off